Judging The Mice November 1st, 2011

If today I was a song, I’d be Stevie Wonder’s ‘Travelling Man’. I mean I am, nearly everyday ‘True O.G’ by Ice-T but as well as that. I’m also a song that describes the extent to which today, I have been travelling. I haven’t gone very far. No. Just from Galway to Shannon, Shannon to […]

Hallo Ian October 31st, 2011

Ah Halloween, the night where lots of people, completely forgetting the original roots of Samhain celebrating the harvest and ‘dark half’ of the year arriving, all dress up as twats to run around pretending that scary things are fun. They aren’t fun. Sure you go ahead and dress up as zombies, having a laugh and […]

Who’s Way? Galway October 30th, 2011

I am in sunny, sunny Galway in sunny, sunny Ireland. By sunny I mean grey and pissing down with rain. Its odd how somewhere can still look so pretty when covered by dark clouds, but everytime I’ve visited Galway it feels as though it could be singing that dire Travis song out aloud, and yet […]