Who Are Ya? April 11th, 2012

I have realised the huge flaw in only writing a blog every few days rather than daily, and that’s that I have far too much to talk about within any 24 hour period. Therefore letting it build up until I do actually write a blog means that you, the blog reader (yes, all one of […]

Ranty Rant Rant November 12th, 2011

I’m a whole bundle of vexed this morning. Not sure what a bundle of vexed would be like but I suspect it to be like the creature in Brett Easton Ellis’ Lunar Park. If haven’t read that, imagine Gnasher trying to eat himself. That’s probably about right. Why such rage oh Tiernan? Well blogees, let […]

Career Highlights November 5th, 2011

Its bad enough that I had a casting yesterday that was the opposite of fun – having to try out opposite a man who it appeared had never heard of the concept of acting, let along reading or learning lines or in fact operating on any kind of normal human level. Like a large bearded […]