First Gig, Worst Gig – Kids Comedy Special May 15th, 2020

It’s a FGWG special this week as we look at surely the most terrifying types of gigs: shows for kids. Yes, you may picture total bedlam, like staging classical music for cats, but some acts are absolutely ace at it, such as our old pal Tiernan Douieb. He’s the likeable face/brain of Comedy Club 4 […]

First Gig Worst Gig May 19th, 2016

Usually at this point we’d pen a pithy intro about the latest guest – Tiernan Douieb, who’s here to plug his forthcoming gigs at the Hertford Comedy Festival, plus his (partly) political podcast. But he wrote one for us, involving both Frankie Boyle and Rogue One, which is way better than we’d bash out. So here it is: “I’m […]

The Club Is Dead, Long Live The Club October 5th, 2014

This weekend I did a spot at one of my favourite smaller gigs in London. It’s one of those clubs that’s been run by the same people since way before I was even considering a comedy career, and has been home to many special nights of mirth from usual club nights to one-offs and previews. […]

Who Are Ya? April 11th, 2012

I have realised the huge flaw in only writing a blog every few days rather than daily, and that’s that I have far too much to talk about within any 24 hour period. Therefore letting it build up until I do actually write a blog means that you, the blog reader (yes, all one of […]