Taxing Thoughts March 21st, 2014

I’m not an economist. Anyone that’s ever seen my bank balance will know that. I have always been a bigger fan of spending money rather than saving and investing it, and nor have I ever been that wise in what to spend it on either. Hence why my flat is filled with graphic novels and […]

Gary Barflow November 27th, 2011

Right, wordpress has deleted this post once already today, so it’s possibly too rebellious for it, and they are maybe too worried about letting something onto the internet that may cause a ripple through the system. But fuck it, let’s try again. Mega thanks to @ShaneHudson on Twitter who is a saviour of the blog. […]

Mind Numb November 18th, 2011

I’m sure I’ve complained about this loads in the last few weeks (I never re-read my blogs. True story. You could tell me that last week I wrote about that cyclops that killed my cat and I’d totally believe you), but I am stuck in a massive writer’s block. If Writer’s Block was a place, […]