I’ve left myself 6 minutes to write today’s blog. I’ll admit, this isn’t really enough times to do a lot of things. For example, you need longer to cook a pie, watch a 30 minute program, scale a mountain or boil 3 eggs in succession. Thwo eggs yes, but not three. Unless you put all four in the same pot. But I said ‘in succession’ so you can’t. So ultimately this’ll be a short one.
Last night’s gig, supporting the One Man LOTR show was good fun, made better by a 13 year old complimenting me on my German pronunciation and someone at the back correcting my Shakespeare quote. In fact I really enjoyed the whole 30 min set, until I was about to leave and I gave a really half hearted bow, followed by walking halfway off and giving another half hearted bow that was not dissimilar to a pigeon having an involuntary jerk. That’s body movement, not some really nerdy bloke that’s just hanging round pigeons. I’m not sure about the whole bowing thing. Some acts do it very well and I fully like the idea of receiving your applause instead of just running away like you can’t wait to leave. The latter is nearly always true but its nice not to let people know that.
My bowing really lacks something. I think its that I never like the idea of doing a full bow, that’s sort of theatrey and not what I feel is appropriate. So instead I do a sort of half bow. I’m never really sure if anyone realises its a bow or that I’ve just slightly tripped over my own shoe. Sometimes I’m tempted to curtsie but I think it’ll only be funny to me. Instead I think as comedians we should have a finale that singles us out from actors and musicians. Maybe we wave one foot in the air, or wave our arms in circles. Actually, more appropriately, I think we should just not bow and run away like we really want to go home. At least its honest.
Time’s up. In Brighton tonight at the Komedia, which is one of my favourite gigs ever ever. Hope it doesn’t go so well I have to bow at the end.